Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Brazilian Wax Burn Urinate

Hypatia (370-415 AD ) was a Neo-Platonic philosopher and teacher Roman, a native of Egypt, who highlighted the fields of mathematics and astronomy, member and leader of the Neoplatonic School of Alexandria in the early fifth century Follower of Plotinus, cultivated logical studies and sciences, leading an ascetic life. Educated to a select group of Christian and pagan aristocrats occupied senior positions.

Daughter and disciple of the astronomer Theon. Hypatia is the first woman mathematics we have a secure knowledge and detailed. He wrote on geometry, algebra and astronomy, improved the design of the early astrolabes and invented a hydrometer.

In 412, Cyril became Patriarch of Alexandria. However, the Roman prefect of Alexandria was Orestes and the two became bitter political rivals in the struggle for control between church and state. Hypatia was a friend of Orestes and this, together with prejudice against philosophical positions that were considered pagan by Christians, made Hypatia became the focus of fighting between Christians and non Christians.

Some years later, according to one report, Hypatia was brutally murdered by Nitrianos monks who were a sect of fanatical followers of Cyril. According account to another account, Hypatia was killed by an Alexandrian mob under the leadership of Peter the reader. What finally seems indisputable is that he was murdered by Christians who felt threatened by his erudition, wisdom and depth of scientific knowledge.


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