1900 year 2000 by William Bouguereau
fascinates the vision held by those who lived more than a century ago how we would live in 2000. These amazing cards that came in a chocolate brand portrayed in a somewhat naive, although sometimes successful, modern life as imagined at the beginning of the twentieth century. In the blog http://paleo-future.blogspot.com/search/label/1900s there are many more visions of other decades, some striking.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
How Long For Sleep Eze To Work
I think I'm in love with a painter, and wanted to share it with you (juas xD)
William-Adolphe Bouguereau (La Rochelle November 30 of 1825 - August 19 of 1905 ) Was a painter academic French. Among the personalities of the time they confessed admiration for his work include the romantic pianist and composer Chopin .
student at the Académie Julian in Paris , realistic paintings and mythological themes were exhibited in the annual exhibitions of the Paris Salon throughout his career. Although it suffered the indifference of the critics, perhaps because of his strong opposition to the then triumphant Impressionism , currently there is a new appreciation of their work.
Bouguereau was married to another artist Elizabeth Jane Gardner . Through his influence, many French art institutions first opened to women, including French Academy of Fine Arts .
I leave here some of his works (I recommend that you look some more, because honestly, nothing is wasted). There are some who seem photos ... hair look, look at the toes of the feet ... Is this not for love of the painter by his works?
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e4/William-Adolphe_Bouguereau_ (1825-1905) _-_Not_Too_Much_To_Carry_ (1895). Jpg
http:// lacanciondelasirena.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/william-bouguereau.jpg
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Pictues Of People With Braces
The dog Hachiko
The other day I saw it advertised on TV a film about the dog Hachiko (not if you have seen the trailer). But I knew the story, I read some time ago in a book of Japanese culture. It turns out that the story is real and quite charming I must say ...
Hachiko was born in November 1923 in Odate in the prefecture, province Akita, northern Japan. It was an Akita dog breed, male and intense white. Hachiko luck when illuminated at 2 months of age was sent to the house of professor in the Department of Agriculture, University of Tokyo Dr. Eisaburo Ueno. The teacher took him to his home located near Shibuya station, where he proved a kind and friendly owner. The dog in turn adored him. Since then, Hachiko was not accompanying him to the university. But what it did was leave the house every morning with the teacher and walked with him to the Shibuya station. The dog watched as the owner bought the ticket and then disappeared into the crowd approached the train. Later, Hachiko would sit in the small plaza and waited there to its owner who was returning from work in the afternoon. This happened every day.
This is how the image of the teacher with his dog became familiar in Shibuya Station, and the story of the loyalty of this animal has spread around with ease. People passing through Shibuya always said this.
A tragedy broke the evening of 21 May 1925. The health teacher was not very good in those days and suddenly suffered a heart attack at the university. He died before he could return home. In Shibuya, the dog waited in front of the station. Soon news of the sudden death of Professor reached Shibuya. Many people immediately thought of the poor dog who had accompanied him every day. Several had the same attitude and went to the small square to convince the dog to return home, as if he could understand. The next morning, Hachiko was seen opposite the station, waiting for his master. He waited all day in vain. The next day I was there again and so it was day after day. The days became weeks, weeks months, months years and yet the dog was going every morning at the station, waiting the whole day and when the time came back his master, sought among all these strange faces he loved Him. Did not take into account climatic conditions, rain, sun, wind and snow did not prevent his daily pilgrimage to meet his love, loyalty to his human friend never died.
Hachiko's loyalty was demonstrated by an extraordinary effect among Japanese residents of Shibuya. He became a hero, the beloved figure of the area. Travelers who are absent for an extended period would always ask for him upon his return. In April 1934, the kind people of Shibuya hired Teru (Shou) Ando, \u200b\u200ba famous Japanese sculptor, to conduct a statue in honor of his friend Hachiko. Sculptor was happy to do this work and the bronze statue was placed in front of the station, where I used to wait Hachiko. Almost a year later, on March 7, 1935
Hachiko died at the foot of his own statue because of his age, but that did not stop its history and the statue of Teru Ando were made famous throughout Japan. During the war all the statues were cast for the production of arms, Hachiko did not escape this fate and unfortunately the sculptor was killed. But folks still remembering Shibuya Hachiko and his message of loyalty. So it was decided to form a Society for the replacement of the statue of Hachiko, and the company hired the son of Teru Ando, \u200b\u200bTakeshi Ando, \u200b\u200bwho was also an excellent sculptor. Today, the exquisite statue of Hachiko remains in the middle of the square in front of Shibuya Station. We can find about her sources, newsstand magazines and smiling people telling the story of Hachiko to small or not. On 8 April of each year marks a Hachiko in the plaza outside the Shibuya train station. The remains of Chuken Hachiko (in Japanese faithful dog Hachiko) rest alongside those of his master Dr. Eusaburo Ueno. In a corner of the burial of his own in the Aoyama Cemetery, Minmi-Aoyama, Minato-Ku, Tokyo.
The other day I saw it advertised on TV a film about the dog Hachiko (not if you have seen the trailer). But I knew the story, I read some time ago in a book of Japanese culture. It turns out that the story is real and quite charming I must say ...
Hachiko was born in November 1923 in Odate in the prefecture, province Akita, northern Japan. It was an Akita dog breed, male and intense white. Hachiko luck when illuminated at 2 months of age was sent to the house of professor in the Department of Agriculture, University of Tokyo Dr. Eisaburo Ueno. The teacher took him to his home located near Shibuya station, where he proved a kind and friendly owner. The dog in turn adored him. Since then, Hachiko was not accompanying him to the university. But what it did was leave the house every morning with the teacher and walked with him to the Shibuya station. The dog watched as the owner bought the ticket and then disappeared into the crowd approached the train. Later, Hachiko would sit in the small plaza and waited there to its owner who was returning from work in the afternoon. This happened every day.
This is how the image of the teacher with his dog became familiar in Shibuya Station, and the story of the loyalty of this animal has spread around with ease. People passing through Shibuya always said this.
A tragedy broke the evening of 21 May 1925. The health teacher was not very good in those days and suddenly suffered a heart attack at the university. He died before he could return home. In Shibuya, the dog waited in front of the station. Soon news of the sudden death of Professor reached Shibuya. Many people immediately thought of the poor dog who had accompanied him every day. Several had the same attitude and went to the small square to convince the dog to return home, as if he could understand. The next morning, Hachiko was seen opposite the station, waiting for his master. He waited all day in vain. The next day I was there again and so it was day after day. The days became weeks, weeks months, months years and yet the dog was going every morning at the station, waiting the whole day and when the time came back his master, sought among all these strange faces he loved Him. Did not take into account climatic conditions, rain, sun, wind and snow did not prevent his daily pilgrimage to meet his love, loyalty to his human friend never died.
Hachiko's loyalty was demonstrated by an extraordinary effect among Japanese residents of Shibuya. He became a hero, the beloved figure of the area. Travelers who are absent for an extended period would always ask for him upon his return. In April 1934, the kind people of Shibuya hired Teru (Shou) Ando, \u200b\u200ba famous Japanese sculptor, to conduct a statue in honor of his friend Hachiko. Sculptor was happy to do this work and the bronze statue was placed in front of the station, where I used to wait Hachiko. Almost a year later, on March 7, 1935

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
How Often Does A Person Get Sick With Hiv
The perfect lover Hypatia of Alexandria

Girl, but there was the perfect lover ...
Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798 ) was the perfect lover. Great writer, philosopher and scholar, was a witty and glib who lived in a turbulent and exciting time.
His method for women fell motionless to his feet (TAKE NOTE OF THE CLASS KIDS), was very simple: first women studied had just met, I found what was missing in life and it will provide. In short, actually did female fantasies. This represents a considerable effort in modern times not everyone is willing to do, as the future lover has to focus much on the other person, take the time to look at all the details and guess what he misses and what has frustrated . People usually reveal this in subtle ways, through gestures, a look ...
And Casanova spent lots of time to women, until they fell motionless to his feet. However, he also knew how to get him leave if they fell in love with him. The technique was to break the spell creating unpleasant situations for their fans, so those were disappointed and ended up leaving.
that came to be sleeping with 132 women from all walks of life but still not be rejected if there was a need male company, as he himself recounts in his memoirs. Casanova was accompanied by his friend Ismail when he discovered three young girls bathing in a pond in the moonlight. he relates that "The delicious spectacle could not fail to excite at once, and Ismail, wild with joy, convinced me that I need not scruple to get carried away by the effects of light was so voluptuous awakening in my soul (. ..) Like him, I was forced to let off steam in beside him, while Ismail was happy to replace the doomed feeling distant object that I could not reach. Naturally I had to resign myself to make the same service. It would have been rude of me to refuse (...)"
The book where you can find this and other stories is the autobiography of Casanova who has just published under the title Story of my life, of Giacomo Casanova, Ed Atalanta.
And here's a dessert box Fragonard in 1767, entitled The happy accidents of swing. It represents the husband of the woman pushing the swing while the skirts look lover:)))
Brazilian Wax Burn Urinate

Hypatia (370-415 AD ) was a Neo-Platonic philosopher and teacher Roman, a native of Egypt, who highlighted the fields of mathematics and astronomy, member and leader of the Neoplatonic School of Alexandria in the early fifth century Follower of Plotinus, cultivated logical studies and sciences, leading an ascetic life. Educated to a select group of Christian and pagan aristocrats occupied senior positions.
Daughter and disciple of the astronomer Theon. Hypatia is the first woman mathematics we have a secure knowledge and detailed. He wrote on geometry, algebra and astronomy, improved the design of the early astrolabes and invented a hydrometer.
In 412, Cyril became Patriarch of Alexandria. However, the Roman prefect of Alexandria was Orestes and the two became bitter political rivals in the struggle for control between church and state. Hypatia was a friend of Orestes and this, together with prejudice against philosophical positions that were considered pagan by Christians, made Hypatia became the focus of fighting between Christians and non Christians.
Some years later, according to one report, Hypatia was brutally murdered by Nitrianos monks who were a sect of fanatical followers of Cyril. According account to another account, Hypatia was killed by an Alexandrian mob under the leadership of Peter the reader. What finally seems indisputable is that he was murdered by Christians who felt threatened by his erudition, wisdom and depth of scientific knowledge.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
A Slight Pain In Back Left Side Just Above Waist
Today's Youth International Day of habitat
I think this is an important issue to address. I commented, lately, it seems that television (especially antenna 3) have risen up in arms against the young. If, against all, absolutely all English youth. Pose things like: they're arrogant, a know-all, a hard-core alcoholics and drug addicts, some revelers, some vague, some rude, a young garbage compared to years ago. We
1 - Young people have always-and I stress the ever-will be worse than the previous generation, according to everybody (I do not even want to imagine as they will when we are forties).
2 - Only 10% of youth speaking on TV. Please ... we all drink it, that we all place on weekends? Paste all the teachers? We all try to fool parents up?. On TV, put all the young alike, as if only one type of person and common thinking.
3 - The youth series are not based in reality. Raise your hand if the student has been bundled with the teacher of philosophy! And that has made a sex party at 14! and take drugs in the bathroom of institutions!, and stealing a car while drunk!.
4 - The reality shows are not based on reality. I do not know how are 5x5, and I'm not illiterate. Please have caught the worst of our society, youth representatives and have gotten into a school in year 63. The first day and were crying and it was lentils! Ojo! worst case the following is fish!. Another thing, you should know is that if a student does not know and pass the course, the blame should also be the teacher for the rule of three, not taught, not "?; Not to wait, because they adopted hit him and disrespect him. And another thing I wonder if teenagers can not stand either on the first day in the course of 63, our parents were, a super children who had to endure every day?
5 - Education. Parents complain that their child has no education (if he is funny). Education must be brought from home, a teacher, or anyone is to educate a person, to teach. Blame it on the parents, instead of consenting to the child would have to show you what is right and not whine, complain and continue pampering as they get older.
Oh, and above us are stupid, elementary sex education and now we were all embarrassed, come!.
6 - A bottle with riots, not to occupy the front page of the news ahead of gender violence. Because this is already high ... and over were talking 3 days ... that goes with the news "?.
7 - What they're doing taking these things on television, is encouraged. How cool is to do what comes on TV.
I think I left many things, but that's more or less what I meant. Enough of overdoing things, enough to get us all in the same bag.
And now I'm out of the bottle, getting involved with someone that if they throw stones at the police, bye:)
I think this is an important issue to address. I commented, lately, it seems that television (especially antenna 3) have risen up in arms against the young. If, against all, absolutely all English youth. Pose things like: they're arrogant, a know-all, a hard-core alcoholics and drug addicts, some revelers, some vague, some rude, a young garbage compared to years ago. We
1 - Young people have always-and I stress the ever-will be worse than the previous generation, according to everybody (I do not even want to imagine as they will when we are forties).
2 - Only 10% of youth speaking on TV. Please ... we all drink it, that we all place on weekends? Paste all the teachers? We all try to fool parents up?. On TV, put all the young alike, as if only one type of person and common thinking.
3 - The youth series are not based in reality. Raise your hand if the student has been bundled with the teacher of philosophy! And that has made a sex party at 14! and take drugs in the bathroom of institutions!, and stealing a car while drunk!.
4 - The reality shows are not based on reality. I do not know how are 5x5, and I'm not illiterate. Please have caught the worst of our society, youth representatives and have gotten into a school in year 63. The first day and were crying and it was lentils! Ojo! worst case the following is fish!. Another thing, you should know is that if a student does not know and pass the course, the blame should also be the teacher for the rule of three, not taught, not "?; Not to wait, because they adopted hit him and disrespect him. And another thing I wonder if teenagers can not stand either on the first day in the course of 63, our parents were, a super children who had to endure every day?
5 - Education. Parents complain that their child has no education (if he is funny). Education must be brought from home, a teacher, or anyone is to educate a person, to teach. Blame it on the parents, instead of consenting to the child would have to show you what is right and not whine, complain and continue pampering as they get older.
Oh, and above us are stupid, elementary sex education and now we were all embarrassed, come!.
6 - A bottle with riots, not to occupy the front page of the news ahead of gender violence. Because this is already high ... and over were talking 3 days ... that goes with the news "?.
7 - What they're doing taking these things on television, is encouraged. How cool is to do what comes on TV.
I think I left many things, but that's more or less what I meant. Enough of overdoing things, enough to get us all in the same bag.
And now I'm out of the bottle, getting involved with someone that if they throw stones at the police, bye:)
Friday, October 2, 2009
Sample Offer Letter Quote
I link to the Amnesty International
http://www.es.amnesty.org/ , a global, independent organization that denounces the injustices and abuses committed against human rights anywhere in the world.
In this case, reporting that thousands of people worldwide live in slums. Maybe we can not save the world from here, but at least be aware of how lucky we are and who knows, perhaps from your future employment have the power to change things someday. Future
lawyers, teachers, social workers, whatever you are going to be ... working hard you can get anything. Prof
Friday, September 18, 2009
What Type Of Weave Do Meagon Good Use
I'll tell you a true story today about a father and son.
The son asked his father, 'Dad, become part in the marathon with me? The father answered, yes. They went to the marathon and complete it together.
Father and son went together to other marathons, the father always said 'yes' to requests for your child to go together in races. One day the son asked his father, 'Dad, let's participate together in the' Ironman '' The father said yes too.
The Ironman Triathlon includes a 2.4 miles (3.86 km) swim in the ocean, followed by 112 miles (180.2 kilometers) bike ride, and ending with a 26.2 mile (42.195 km) marathon along the coast of Big Island.
Now, I leave here the video of the continuation of this History:
Father and son completed the triathlon.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Compra De Dvd Naturismo
The Parents and children last year ... Home

My dear graduates ...
You start a new course, the last before your departure to a world full of possibilities (that no matter the future, everything is done). This year will not share with you the subject of History, but I leave you in good hands. Your new teacher will bring the best of you without doubt, and I told him you are a very special group (in a positive sense, of course). Be assured that I, as a teacher, I will miss my favorite group of Humanities.
So much spirit. I hope this year's blog remain as vivid as the past. No doubt I will continue by caring for your academic progress and all your love and concern and, if you let me participate in this your blog, I will write from time to time.
Gentlemen, good luck to all y. .. WORK
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
How To Beat Idrag Paper
Jambo! (Means Hello in Swahili, the official language of Kenya)
As we know from history classes, Kenya (east of Africa, the Horn of Africa ") was a British colony in the era of imperialist expansion late nineteenth century. When you step on Jomo Kenyatta Airport (the name of the first President of the Republic of Kenya, independent from Britain since 1963), comes with all the cultural baggage received in Europe. You think you get to an African country where you will see poverty, hunger, insecurity ... Some of it is, of course, but mostly what you catch when visits the country (despite being in tourist plan is different than living day to day) is the dignity of African people.
Kenya is struggling to survive. Tourism has mostly, but there are many projects to boost agriculture (cultivation of flowers and greenhouse products, legumes ....) Culture shock is very large. As in all emerging countries, communication is horrible. Do not think that there are traffic lights or roundabouts, no, this is a jungle, never better. Bumpy roads, dusty roads ... people forward in a reckless manner, I thought we did not. Sales
Nairobi (a city of 3, 5 million) and Nature breaks through. We visited the Samburu tribe of the north, the Aberdares National Park, Lake Nakuru with flamingos, Masai-Mara and Masai tribe (a people strong, proud, intelligent). Open space that never ends. Lions, ostriches, buffalo, giraffes, birds ... one step away from us (we could not leave the van roof open, but you could almost touch them). Africa
smell flowers, wood and earth. The sunsets are breathtaking, Africa has a unique light. And the African people, kind, proud, happy ... Guys, Europe has an outstanding debt to Africa.
If you go to the continent with open eyes and heart never you forget.
As they say in Kenya, Hakuna Matata! No problem! Can not imagine how much they have to teach the Africans, because sometimes we do not appreciate that the most valuable things in life are smaller and simpler. Prof
http://yfrog .com/6gdesdelacarreteraj
http://img156 .imageshack.us / i / leonenmasaimara.jpg /
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Mississippi Licence Template
Travel to Ireland:) Michael Jackson has died
I recently took a trip to Ireland as I said. Well, just say it is incredible. It is impossible to describe what you feel when you're way from there. The sound of the sea, the rain falling, of birds. The smell of wet grass, wild flowers and soap in every home. The taste of food, beer guinness;), Irish coffee, the pastries and chocolates with mint unique landscapes, forests on all sides with large trees, towns and villages with colorful houses and roofs with tiles that look like chocolate, animals in harmony with man. Ais ... I wish I had been there. Although we had a great time it rained heavily, I think the whole country does not know the term "climate change" the man respects nature, even nature seems to respect the man in return. We saw many animals: horses, sheep, gulls, jackdaws, donkeys ... but also seals, dolphins, Scottish grouse ... all in nature. The people are super nice and generous. I could pull hours talking. I have a diary of the trip if anyone is interested, and multiple folders with photos. But the wise are good pictures (or so they say), here I leave the ones I like:
Moher Cliffs. A quite touristy. There is an area that is surrounded by a sort of stone fence so that people do not cross and fall. However, the cliffs are very long, and not all the way is fenced. There is a moment where you just at the edge, and if you step over to the side you fall. Every year they lose a half to 3 tourists in that area. The wind is treacherous and not worth the confidence ... edge calling.
Kylemore Abbey. It was an old "house" that belonged to a man married to a beautiful young woman. But the girl became seriously ill and eventually died. The man did not stay long in the castle by memory of his wife. When he died he was buried alongside her in a mausoleum near the lake. Nuns who fled to Belgium during World War 1, settled the castle and this later became an orphanage.
Amid a big city like Killarney, there is a huge park that you can ride a horse. This park has a large lake and many other surprises like a house, a house of XVII century ...
Gulls were a cool ... the you could touch and hold, the only condition was to give them something to eat:).
Not that I like big cities but Dublin certainly impressed me. Do not ask me to paint the giant antenna-Pirulo through the city, because I do not know, is to stop lightning?.
The Irish are a few party goers. What are some drunks that is also true. Every night, all taverns have live music and Cisco is not the excess of alcohol. The Irish love the music (you do not see that either play the harp, flute and violin) and in any corner you see the musicians playing in the middle of the street, even when the rain falls. Starting from very little eh ...
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/5742/dublin5755.jpg find
When you put the pictures of the dolphin ...
I recently took a trip to Ireland as I said. Well, just say it is incredible. It is impossible to describe what you feel when you're way from there. The sound of the sea, the rain falling, of birds. The smell of wet grass, wild flowers and soap in every home. The taste of food, beer guinness;), Irish coffee, the pastries and chocolates with mint unique landscapes, forests on all sides with large trees, towns and villages with colorful houses and roofs with tiles that look like chocolate, animals in harmony with man. Ais ... I wish I had been there. Although we had a great time it rained heavily, I think the whole country does not know the term "climate change" the man respects nature, even nature seems to respect the man in return. We saw many animals: horses, sheep, gulls, jackdaws, donkeys ... but also seals, dolphins, Scottish grouse ... all in nature. The people are super nice and generous. I could pull hours talking. I have a diary of the trip if anyone is interested, and multiple folders with photos. But the wise are good pictures (or so they say), here I leave the ones I like:
Moher Cliffs. A quite touristy. There is an area that is surrounded by a sort of stone fence so that people do not cross and fall. However, the cliffs are very long, and not all the way is fenced. There is a moment where you just at the edge, and if you step over to the side you fall. Every year they lose a half to 3 tourists in that area. The wind is treacherous and not worth the confidence ... edge calling.
Kylemore Abbey. It was an old "house" that belonged to a man married to a beautiful young woman. But the girl became seriously ill and eventually died. The man did not stay long in the castle by memory of his wife. When he died he was buried alongside her in a mausoleum near the lake. Nuns who fled to Belgium during World War 1, settled the castle and this later became an orphanage.
Amid a big city like Killarney, there is a huge park that you can ride a horse. This park has a large lake and many other surprises like a house, a house of XVII century ...
Gulls were a cool ... the you could touch and hold, the only condition was to give them something to eat:).
Not that I like big cities but Dublin certainly impressed me. Do not ask me to paint the giant antenna-Pirulo through the city, because I do not know, is to stop lightning?.
The Irish are a few party goers. What are some drunks that is also true. Every night, all taverns have live music and Cisco is not the excess of alcohol. The Irish love the music (you do not see that either play the harp, flute and violin) and in any corner you see the musicians playing in the middle of the street, even when the rain falls. Starting from very little eh ...
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/5742/dublin5755.jpg find
When you put the pictures of the dolphin ...
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Sample Presentation For Salon
Pop star Michael Jackson has died Thursday in Los Angeles, reports the Los Angeles Times. The news website TMZ ahead. Jackson has not gotten out of deep coma in which was after suffering a cardiac arrest.
medical services have come to the home of Jackson alerted by a call around at 12.26 local time, 21.26 in the Peninsula. The singer was not breathing when they arrived. They have managed to revive him and transferred unconscious to the medical center at the University of California, Los Angeles, just over 4 miles away. However, the singer has not gotten out of deep coma and died shortly after admission.
Michael Jackson's mother is already with him and the rest of the family goes to the hospital.
The hospital's emergency entrance has been sealed off by police. The mobile units of television are stationed in the vicinity and even helicopters flying over the middle. Traffic has been diverted. The news media cup all U.S. and its truncated mundo.Se comeback Jackson
these months preparing his comeback with a series of performances in London that was scheduled to begin this summer. It was his last attempt to escape the accusations of pedophilia that have monopolized the headlines. The tour, which was to extend until next year, may assume, up $ 50 million in revenue.
However, the age of Jackson, 50, and his physical condition had been the subject of speculation. In fact, Jackson had delayed the first from the concerts from 8 to July 12, sparking rumors about his health.
lives in Bel Air, near Sunset Boulevard in a sort of French chateau of seven bedrooms and 13 bathrooms by paying $ 100,000 a month.
More than a musical genius
Jackson, 50, is considered a musical genius and artistic since I was a child. But it is a controversial, with advocates and detractors, which surround a number of legends, often fed by himself, about his private life.
Michael Jackson has been involved in several lawsuits, accused of pedophilia, which had global impact and have kept him in the last paragraph years of the first row of popularity.
In the purely artistic success worldwide that has led him to sell hundreds of millions of disks supported by the spectacle of their promotional campaigns, music videos and concerts, in which shows off his enormous talent as a singer and dancer .
Source: RTVE News
medical services have come to the home of Jackson alerted by a call around at 12.26 local time, 21.26 in the Peninsula. The singer was not breathing when they arrived. They have managed to revive him and transferred unconscious to the medical center at the University of California, Los Angeles, just over 4 miles away. However, the singer has not gotten out of deep coma and died shortly after admission.
Michael Jackson's mother is already with him and the rest of the family goes to the hospital.
The hospital's emergency entrance has been sealed off by police. The mobile units of television are stationed in the vicinity and even helicopters flying over the middle. Traffic has been diverted. The news media cup all U.S. and its truncated mundo.Se comeback Jackson
these months preparing his comeback with a series of performances in London that was scheduled to begin this summer. It was his last attempt to escape the accusations of pedophilia that have monopolized the headlines. The tour, which was to extend until next year, may assume, up $ 50 million in revenue.
However, the age of Jackson, 50, and his physical condition had been the subject of speculation. In fact, Jackson had delayed the first from the concerts from 8 to July 12, sparking rumors about his health.
lives in Bel Air, near Sunset Boulevard in a sort of French chateau of seven bedrooms and 13 bathrooms by paying $ 100,000 a month.
More than a musical genius
Jackson, 50, is considered a musical genius and artistic since I was a child. But it is a controversial, with advocates and detractors, which surround a number of legends, often fed by himself, about his private life.
Michael Jackson has been involved in several lawsuits, accused of pedophilia, which had global impact and have kept him in the last paragraph years of the first row of popularity.
In the purely artistic success worldwide that has led him to sell hundreds of millions of disks supported by the spectacle of their promotional campaigns, music videos and concerts, in which shows off his enormous talent as a singer and dancer .
Source: RTVE News

Monday, June 22, 2009
Excessive Fuel Consumption
Fall Out Boy
Fall Out Boy, commonly abbreviated "FOB" is a punk rock band from Chicago, Illinois (USA.), Which was formed in 2001. The band consists of four Members: Patrick Stump (lead singer, rhythm guitar and composer secondary), Pete Wentz (secondary, bassist and main writer), Joe Trohman (lead guitar) and Andrew Hurley (drums).
Friday, June 19, 2009
What Happens If A Dog Is Dragging His Back Legs
Well, dear students, it seems the end of the course is here. No more nerves and tests and although you will want to see the school in a few months, sure you have good memories of this year. Those who have passed all luck and no, encouragement, rest a little longer for it.
has been a pleasure working with you, you know, and especially because it was time that I was with a group with so many concerns and social concerns. Everyone in your own way have taught me a lot.
Congratulations also to those who have completed the Free Hugs has been a good initiative and I am glad it has gone well, although not able to participate. These dates are bad for the teachers, we have a lot of work.
I have included in the posts that follow the direction of a blog of a friend of mine, "idealists" is called. I had a little left and tell my students were getting ahead "Always thinking of the same" and that you also concerned about the present human rights people ... get stung and started to hang things again. I encourage you to follow him, is interesting: http://losidealistas.blogspot.com
Good holidays to all, enjoy a lot and hope to see you again next school year.
Well, dear students, it seems the end of the course is here. No more nerves and tests and although you will want to see the school in a few months, sure you have good memories of this year. Those who have passed all luck and no, encouragement, rest a little longer for it.
has been a pleasure working with you, you know, and especially because it was time that I was with a group with so many concerns and social concerns. Everyone in your own way have taught me a lot.
Congratulations also to those who have completed the Free Hugs has been a good initiative and I am glad it has gone well, although not able to participate. These dates are bad for the teachers, we have a lot of work.
I have included in the posts that follow the direction of a blog of a friend of mine, "idealists" is called. I had a little left and tell my students were getting ahead "Always thinking of the same" and that you also concerned about the present human rights people ... get stung and started to hang things again. I encourage you to follow him, is interesting: http://losidealistas.blogspot.com
Good holidays to all, enjoy a lot and hope to see you again next school year.
:))))) I
Thursday, June 18, 2009
School Project Castle
Free Hugs! St. Barnabas
a video with some pictures (there are millions xD)
a video with some pictures (there are millions xD)
Monday, June 15, 2009
Aspartame Withdrawal Duration
more features photos of these parties:): 1 .-
2.- http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/3465/chuletaaas.png
3.- http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/7601/campamentofrances.png
4.- http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/943/disparos.png
5.- http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/3637/quechulo.png
6.- http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/975/victoriag.png
7.- http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/7647/sanbernabe.png
8.- http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/8536/aguila.png
9.- http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/6189/aveldn.png
10.- http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/7840/ave2.png
11.- http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/4642/ave3.png
12.- http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/8254/ave4.png
13.- http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/8831/limpiandow.png
14.- http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/5265/globo.png
15.- http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/4015/insti.png
16.- http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/2240/logroo.png
17.- http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/3749/mariposa1.png
18.- http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/3929/mariposa2.png
19.- http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/2600/prado.png
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Socks To Exercise Without Shoes
animal protection association
More than 5000 pets are abandoned each year in La Rioja. Largely abandoned in summer when their owners go on vacation and not have anyone to take care of them. Many animals are also abused, not fed, are used in laboratories, or used in performances and fights illegally.
The Humane Association in La Rioja is to give them a safe home for all these animals have suffered. Adoption is a good way to make them happy and content. But for people who for various reasons can not have a pet at home (either by time or and few resources, etc.) there is sponsorship. The sponsorship is to keep a dog for only 6 € per month, you can take him out whenever you want, take it all day, any day of the year as long as you return to the shelter before 10 pm. Sponsorship is an opportunity for the animal, as the protector there are dogs that have never had an owner to take a walk (only those in the shelter by the playground), some even in their 8 years of life, and need someone to love them. It is better to sponsor a dog old or injured because you have less chance of being adopted, if we choose a puppy can adopt it soon. There is also
choice to participate in this protective association, volunteer. The San Bernabe
Jesus, Sergio, Danny, Paul and I have sponsored to 3 puppies: Nova (1 year), Eros (3 years) and Loti (8 years). Also we will draw a walk from time to time to Sofia (10 years), a dog that at first we were going to sponsor but being so old too tired when we go for a walk. Nova
http: / / img198.imageshack.us/img198/5931/erosv.jpg
http:/ / img95.imageshack.us/img95/8791/sofia.jpg
The office of the protector is in Marques de la Ensenada, 42 - bass (in the passage) and where they keep the shelter animals is going Lardero by Train road (it is really bad shown).
The website of the protector is this: http://www.aparioja.org/
If you want to adopt or sponsor or just help you know, and if you have or you find any animal that you can maintain, take it there please do not leave.
The Humane Association in La Rioja is to give them a safe home for all these animals have suffered. Adoption is a good way to make them happy and content. But for people who for various reasons can not have a pet at home (either by time or and few resources, etc.) there is sponsorship. The sponsorship is to keep a dog for only 6 € per month, you can take him out whenever you want, take it all day, any day of the year as long as you return to the shelter before 10 pm. Sponsorship is an opportunity for the animal, as the protector there are dogs that have never had an owner to take a walk (only those in the shelter by the playground), some even in their 8 years of life, and need someone to love them. It is better to sponsor a dog old or injured because you have less chance of being adopted, if we choose a puppy can adopt it soon. There is also
choice to participate in this protective association, volunteer. The San Bernabe
Jesus, Sergio, Danny, Paul and I have sponsored to 3 puppies: Nova (1 year), Eros (3 years) and Loti (8 years). Also we will draw a walk from time to time to Sofia (10 years), a dog that at first we were going to sponsor but being so old too tired when we go for a walk. Nova
http: / / img198.imageshack.us/img198/5931/erosv.jpg
http:/ / img95.imageshack.us/img95/8791/sofia.jpg
The office of the protector is in Marques de la Ensenada, 42 - bass (in the passage) and where they keep the shelter animals is going Lardero by Train road (it is really bad shown).
The website of the protector is this: http://www.aparioja.org/
If you want to adopt or sponsor or just help you know, and if you have or you find any animal that you can maintain, take it there please do not leave.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Club Nintendo Free Points
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Bathmats Without Suction.cups
Sinister Twenty years after closure of China to democracy
Requests for democracy in China silenced to death on June 4, twenty years ago, when the People's Liberation Army charged against thousands of peaceful student. Today the government talks about democracy, but without vote.
tanks appeared in Tiananmen Square before dawn on June 4, 1989, to settle the protests being carried out by students and workers in favor of democracy. The ruling Communist Party has never published the number of deaths that day, nor the detainees, perhaps hide that fact for fear that any brand of past repression could threaten its hold on power today.
"We have to apologize for anything," said The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu, when asked whether the Government of the Communist Party of China (CPC, in power since 1949) is planning to apologize to the families of the dead. U.S.
calls to free the imprisoned in connection with the protests, to cease all harassment of those who took part and to initiate a dialogue with the families of the victims.
In contrast to what happened on the tenth anniversary of the Tiananmen massacre in which the square was closed to the public, this year, a sign of Beijing between confidence and caution, the square was open to visitors although partially closed for renovation, but with hundreds of police and guards present to monitor any movimiento.Pero not everyone was able to enter. Members of the police trying to prevent the foreign media report on what happened. Journalists around the world have denounced the restrictions a few days to cover the anniversary.
Authorities blocked access to Internet services like Twitter, Flickr, Hotmail and foreign news talking about the anniversary of the massacre.
"Leaders only avoid this issue," , said Zhang Boshu, a philosopher who has urged Beijing to publicly acknowledge the killings. "They know that the 1989 crackdown, shooting its own citizens, was a terrible blow to its legitimacy. "
Requests for democracy in China silenced to death on June 4, twenty years ago, when the People's Liberation Army charged against thousands of peaceful student. Today the government talks about democracy, but without vote.
tanks appeared in Tiananmen Square before dawn on June 4, 1989, to settle the protests being carried out by students and workers in favor of democracy. The ruling Communist Party has never published the number of deaths that day, nor the detainees, perhaps hide that fact for fear that any brand of past repression could threaten its hold on power today.
"We have to apologize for anything," said The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu, when asked whether the Government of the Communist Party of China (CPC, in power since 1949) is planning to apologize to the families of the dead. U.S.
calls to free the imprisoned in connection with the protests, to cease all harassment of those who took part and to initiate a dialogue with the families of the victims.
In contrast to what happened on the tenth anniversary of the Tiananmen massacre in which the square was closed to the public, this year, a sign of Beijing between confidence and caution, the square was open to visitors although partially closed for renovation, but with hundreds of police and guards present to monitor any movimiento.Pero not everyone was able to enter. Members of the police trying to prevent the foreign media report on what happened. Journalists around the world have denounced the restrictions a few days to cover the anniversary.
Authorities blocked access to Internet services like Twitter, Flickr, Hotmail and foreign news talking about the anniversary of the massacre.
"Leaders only avoid this issue," , said Zhang Boshu, a philosopher who has urged Beijing to publicly acknowledge the killings. "They know that the 1989 crackdown, shooting its own citizens, was a terrible blow to its legitimacy. "
" The basic facts of what happened in that time have not changed. The nature of this tragedy has not changed much. It is still a bloody massacre of peaceful civilians, "the Tiananmen Mothers are fighting for a full accounting of what happened on June 4, 1989, some dissidents have declared in a letter last week.
Among the images which then traveled the world, the best known is that of a student who cuts off a tank in Tiananmen Square.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Wishes For New Coming Baby
Underworld - Evolution DVDRip
Video: DivX 5 588x238 25.00fps 839Kbps [Video 0]
Audio: MPEG Audio Layer 3 48000Hz stereo 112Kbps [Audio 1]
Language: English
Subtitles: SRT English (Included in the RAR, not the video)
http://rapidshare.com/files/225553146/UW_Evolution . part7.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/225528361/UW_Evolution.part5.rar Http://rapidshare.com/files/225517123/UW_Evolution.part4.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/225493514/UW_Evolution . part2.rar
not pass
Video: DivX 5 588x238 25.00fps 839Kbps [Video 0]
Audio: MPEG Audio Layer 3 48000Hz stereo 112Kbps [Audio 1]
Language: English
Subtitles: SRT English (Included in the RAR, not the video)

http://rapidshare.com/files/225553146/UW_Evolution . part7.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/225528361/UW_Evolution.part5.rar Http://rapidshare.com/files/225517123/UW_Evolution.part4.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/225493514/UW_Evolution . part2.rar
not pass
Monday, April 13, 2009
Period A Day Late Negative Pregnancy Test
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Video: XVID 640x272 23.98fps 776Kbps [Video 0]
Audio: MPEG Audio Layer 3 48000Hz stereo 127Kbps [Audio 1]
Language: English
Subtitles: SRT in English (Included in the RAR, not the video)
uncompressed file size: 700MB (734,754,816 bytes)
Caps from the movie
Links de descarga:
password: arthurking
Video: XVID 640x272 23.98fps 776Kbps [Video 0]
Audio: MPEG Audio Layer 3 48000Hz stereo 127Kbps [Audio 1]
Language: English
Subtitles: SRT in English (Included in the RAR, not the video)
uncompressed file size: 700MB (734,754,816 bytes)
Caps from the movie
Links de descarga:
password: arthurking
Rashes From Feminine Pads
Batman - The Dark Knight DVDrip
uncompressed file size: 1523 MB
Quality DVDRip Language: English
Subtitles: English (Included in the RAR, not the video)
Download Links:
http://rapidshare. com/files/209395214/BTDK.part02.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/209407953/BTDK.part04. rar
http://rapidshare.com / files/209526772/BTDK.part16.rar
password: arthurking
uncompressed file size: 1523 MB
Quality DVDRip Language: English
Subtitles: English (Included in the RAR, not the video)
Download Links:
http://rapidshare. com/files/209395214/BTDK.part02.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/209407953/BTDK.part04. rar
http://rapidshare.com / files/209526772/BTDK.part16.rar
password: arthurking
Monday, March 2, 2009
Morrowind Russian Pathc
Lost - Season 5 - Season 5
Video: XVID 624x352 23.98fps 1008Kbps [Video 0]
Audio: MPEG Audio Layer 3 48000Hz stereo 148Kbps [Audio 1]
English Subtitles: SRT In English (Included in the RAR, not the video)
File Size: 350 Mb
Quality: HDTV
Download Links: Chapter 1
http://rapidshare. com/files/189006145/LT_S05E01.part1.rar
http://rapidshare.com / files/189028694/LT_S05E01.part4.rar
Chapter 2
http://rapidshare.com/files/189045402 / LT_S05E02.part2.rar
Chapter 3
http://rapidshare.com/files / 203872619/LT_S05E03.part3.rar
Chapter 4
http://rapidshare.com/files/203882537/LT_S05E04 . part1.rar
http:/ / rapidshare.com/files/204124747/LT_S05E04.part4.rar Chapter 5
http: / / rapidshare.com/files/204183383/LT_S05E05.part3.rar
Chapter 6
http://rapidshare. com/files/204198324/LT_S05E06.part1.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/204213201/LT_S05E06.part3. rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/204218245/LT_S05E06.part4.rar Chapter 7
http : / / rapidshare.com/files/209333771/LT_S05E07.part3.rar
Chapter 8
http://rapidshare .com/files/209353495/LT_S05E08.part1.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/209370537/LT_S05E08.part3 . rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/209375903/LT_S05E08.part4.rar Chapter 9
http : / / rapidshare.com/files/212176629/LT_S05E09.part3.rar
Chapter 10
http://rapidshare .com/files/216011689/LT_S05E10.part1.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/216412933/LT_S05E10.part3 . rar
Chapter 11
http : / / rapidshare.com/files/217381656/LT_S05E11.part3.rar
Chapter 12
http://rapidshare .com/files/220251841/LT_S05E12.part1.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/220269515/LT_S05E12.part3 . rar
password: arthurking
Video: XVID 624x352 23.98fps 1008Kbps [Video 0]
Audio: MPEG Audio Layer 3 48000Hz stereo 148Kbps [Audio 1]
English Subtitles: SRT In English (Included in the RAR, not the video)
File Size: 350 Mb
Quality: HDTV
Download Links: Chapter 1
http://rapidshare. com/files/189006145/LT_S05E01.part1.rar
http://rapidshare.com / files/189028694/LT_S05E01.part4.rar
Chapter 2
http://rapidshare.com/files/189045402 / LT_S05E02.part2.rar
Chapter 3
http://rapidshare.com/files / 203872619/LT_S05E03.part3.rar
Chapter 4
http://rapidshare.com/files/203882537/LT_S05E04 . part1.rar
http:/ / rapidshare.com/files/204124747/LT_S05E04.part4.rar Chapter 5
http: / / rapidshare.com/files/204183383/LT_S05E05.part3.rar
Chapter 6
http://rapidshare. com/files/204198324/LT_S05E06.part1.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/204213201/LT_S05E06.part3. rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/204218245/LT_S05E06.part4.rar Chapter 7
http : / / rapidshare.com/files/209333771/LT_S05E07.part3.rar
Chapter 8
http://rapidshare .com/files/209353495/LT_S05E08.part1.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/209370537/LT_S05E08.part3 . rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/209375903/LT_S05E08.part4.rar Chapter 9
http : / / rapidshare.com/files/212176629/LT_S05E09.part3.rar
Chapter 10
http://rapidshare .com/files/216011689/LT_S05E10.part1.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/216412933/LT_S05E10.part3 . rar
Chapter 11
http : / / rapidshare.com/files/217381656/LT_S05E11.part3.rar
Chapter 12
http://rapidshare .com/files/220251841/LT_S05E12.part1.rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/220269515/LT_S05E12.part3 . rar
password: arthurking
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